These papers are made available for personal use only, subject to author's and publisher's copyright.
Journal Publications
Daoqiang Zhang*, Songcan Chen, Zhi-Hua Zhou. Constraint Score: A new filter method for feature selection with pairwise constraints. Pattern Recognition. 2008, 41(5): 1440-1451. [download]
Zhe Wang, Songcan Chen, Jun Liu, Daoqiang Zhang. Pattern representation in feature extraction and classifier design: matrix versus vector. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 2008, 19(5): 758-769. [download]
黄鹏飞, 张道强. 拉普拉斯加权聚类算法. 电子学报, 2008, 36(B12):50-54. [download]
朱凤梅, 张道强. 一种基于半监督降维的聚类算法. 广西师范大学学报自然科学版, 2008, 26(3):185-188. [download]
彭岩, 张道强. 局部判别型典型相关分析算法. 计算机工程与应用, 2008, 44(21):126-129. [download]
金骏, 张道强. 半监督鲁棒联机聚类算法. 计算机研究与发展, 2008, 45(3):496-502. [download]
彭岩, 张道强*. 半监督典型相关分析算法. 软件学报, 2008, 19(11):2822-2832. [download]
Conference Publications
Muhammad Yousefnezhad, Daoqiang Zhang*. Deep Hyperalignment. In: 31st Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS'17), Long Beach, CA, 2017. [download]
Muhammad Yousefnezhad, Daoqiang Zhang*. Local Discriminant Hyperalignment for multi-subject fMRI data alignment. In: 2017 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'17), San Francisco, CA, 2017. [download]
Yi Ding, Shengjun Huang, Daoqiang Zhang*. Margin Distribution Logistic Machine. In: 2017 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'17), Houston, Texas, 2017. [download]
Muhammad Yousefnezhad, Daoqiang Zhang*. Multi-Region Neural Representation: A novel model for decoding visual stimuli in human brains. In: 2017 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM'17), Houston, Texas, 2017. [download]
Mingliang Wang, Xiaoke Hao, Jiashuang Huang, Kangcheng Wang, Xijia Xu, Daoqiang Zhang*. Multi-level Multi-task Structured Sparse Learning for Diagnosis of Schizophrenia Disease. In: International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'17), Quebec City, Canada, 2017. [download]
Liang Sun, Wei Shao, Daoqiang Zhang*. High-order Boltzmann machine-based unsupervised feature learning for multi-atlas segmentation. In: IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI'17), Melbourne, Australia, 2017. [download]